Thursday, August 26, 2010

Can I treat a migraine headache without drugs?

Consider this article because you want to find a way normal medicine to cure the migraine without the use? If so, then you are happy. I guess you're the one who shares this same disease. If so, this means that we must learn to find drugs to swallow satisfaction.

Against this background it is understandable why you would need to learn how to treat migraine. Nobody wants to go her whole life in pain pills on a recurring basis. The idea would be if I would recommend to simply to search correctly.

Here, everything you need to do is press a hot cloth on his head and all the artificial light in the room. A compact refrigeration work just as well, so it's only a matter of preference. The grouping of a hot pack or cold, more relaxed in a dark room, because everyone works to help you relax.

All in all, a tendency to tense is key to start a migraine headache. Scientific studies prove this. The more stress in a person, the more likely he or she may be, have a migraine occurs.

There are many procedures that prescription drugs can be used to treat migraine or without the use of over-the-counter remedies. That is, in reality there are many cases where you can prevent all these elements. It is therefore important to ensure that you eat well and live a healthy approach.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Migraine-Related Health Problems

Anyone who has suffered a migraine attack probably remember forever. Why? Besides the pain itself, there are many unpleasant feelings accompanying.

Migraine is often only the expression of a deeper feeling of sadness, a sense of unworthiness, low self-esteem. Some of these more psychological problems, migraine is often associated with physical problems.

A well-known field of migraine and is the perfectionist. They are mostly men. They pretend everything to a very high standard and are able to achieve this goal (set of self-) standard, severe headache can not set in.

There are students who are victims of this, so to speak, self-induced migraine. Obviously you are not hurt to know what they are doing their bodies. Obviously, once this is known, are seeking help. They think it's a vicious circle, the more they ask of themselves, and the worst headachemore likely it will happen.

Migraine is often just the tip of the iceberg. The health problems associated with migraine are many. 'S start with the problems of women. Headache often accompanies menstruation. In other words, it is hormone-dependent. Sometimes hormones play no role. Rather, stress and pain lead time headaches.

Many women do not consider her time as a natural thing. We suffer or hateit. In other words, they do not accept his body with all its manifestations. For most women, this is not a conscious "knowledge" or refusal. The result is still a headache.

The tension in the neck can also accumulate a migraine. It 'so important to relax your neck and shoulders.

Most people are unaware that their tensions to address these areas of his body. These tensions are the result of hours too long in front of a computerJust think of reason.

To reduce stress, you can stretch your body every hour for several minutes. Or you can turn your head first from the left side to right side and then from the right side to left side. Do it slowly. Both movements are to be performed six times. This is a very good year for the release of stress to the neck and shoulders.

Migraine is associated with numerous serious health problems. Since this is the domain of aDoctor, I will not go ask your doctor if you have a headache .. Demand and suffer from a serious health or that she will be able to help you, although it must be said that most drugs only cut the discomfort and pain of a migraine, But never delete their roots.

If you suffer from migraines are wondering if you are too stressed if you do not give your body enough sleep and rest. Or, if not better and see a specialistWho can check with you, for the reasons of migraine pain. Not only accept, migraine. I'm your life and well being too precious.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Migraine, Headache and Medicines! Be Careful!

As everybody knows migraine is mostly a one sided severe vascular headache that comes in attacks. An attack is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting. There are many sorts of triggers. During the attack you may experience other symptoms and signs You can read a lot about it on internet but in this article I would like to tell about one important aspect. It is about the negative results if you use medicines without caution.

There are two types of drugs that are used; either to treat the attack or to prevent it. Examples of the first category are the analgesics (paracetamol, aspirin, diclofenac, naproxen and ibuprofen) and the relative new generation of triptans which abort the attack. Examples of the prophylactic types are the beta blockers, antidepressants, anticonvulsants, NSAIDs and calcium channel blockers.

What happens in the practice is the following. After you are diagnosed as a migraine patient, you get an advice from your GP or the neurologist. Of course we are lucky to have the wonderful medicines that I mentioned to help easing the pain and make it bearable while you have an incurable headache. Today Our life is nowadays very stressful we have to work hard in order to earn or not to lose our jobs. What we do that we forget about ourselves. We do everything consciously and unconsciously to keep on good achievements. A lot of migraine patients will take extra medicines and frequently in order to prevent of abort the attacks. They may use the analgesics and triptans to prevent the attack. Usually these are meant to be used against the attack. After a time your body will be saturated with those medicines. You will take more in order to get the same results. Your body will get some kind of addiction or saturation. The medicines which were used to help, are now causing unresolved headache. You will not dare to stop swallowing them as you will feel not safe and afraid that you will get migraine while you are busy with your work or certain activity. You will be in a difficult situation. Unfortunately, you will try to use other medicines. Even your GP will prescribe and try other new medicines. The situation will only get worst. You may try the alternative medicine (homeopathy, acupuncture en others) and you will experience some improvement which will fade away very fast; I will explain later on why!

What to do now?

From my experience and practice you will need to make a plan for yourself if you can or together with your GP. You have to stop all the medicine immediately, no matter how hard it sounds but this is the only solution otherwise you will never be free of pain. It will be very difficult times for you and your family. You may take a leave from your work to fight the pain without tablets in this process of detoxification. In many situations such a patient will need to be admitted for few days to be supervised in these hard days. Your GP can help you with a short course of medicine against anxiety(and not for the pain) to start the process. The healing will take from few weeks to few months. You will feel a lot better. You have to be strong and go on. I am not saying that you will not need medicines later on but you will be wiser in using them.

The temporary improvement with alternative medicine can be explained in 2 ways. One is that you will be supported psychologically and socially, you find some intelligent person that listens to you and try to understand your problems. Secondly is that you will believe in that therapy and you will use unconsciously less medicine and will feel some relief. Funny! Isn't it?

Please consider the following: what I have mentioned in this article can not be applied to every migraine or headache patient but I assure you that this can be applied to a lot of patients. At least with those who frequently use tablets. Never ignore the initial diagnosis of your GP. A good doctor is a must to exclude any organic cause of your headache other than the common vascular and tension headaches. You can think about simple and bad causes.

Feel free to visit my forum if you would like to talk about your experience with headache and may be to discuss how you are going to try what I mentioned in this short article. Good luck.

The Best Migraine Home Remedy

Common as Flies

Migraines are more common than you think and many of us with mild levels of migraines are not even aware of it. I am among the unlucky ones who are suffering from migraine as well, but I am certainly not among the most depressed.

Of course, the pain and agony of migraine also used to depress me and I have experienced the feeling of helplessness and hopelessness that is brought by the severe migraine attacks. But I was always prepared to stare what I feared the most in the eye. Even when my medicine failed me, as it often did, I never gave up and tried every migraine home remedy possible to relieve my pain.

An Easy Remedy

The first and the most popular migraine home remedy that you can try is using ice packs. Of course, it is one of the favorite migraine home remedies among those having the most severe migraine headaches. Whether is it your temples or areas around your eyes, it can provide some great support.

Another migraine home remedy that springs instantly to mind is massage. I take the liberty of asking my husband to give me a head massage from time to time, even a foot massage can work wonders, or you could always use your fingers to massage your temples and scalp yourself.

Another important home remedy is to engage in a fun activity, preferably involving some physical movements and interaction with family and friends, like playing with your children to try to take your mind off the pain.

The Real Remedy

Although all these migraine home remedies are great, none of them can actually treat migraine itself. But there is still a migraine home remedy in my inventory through which I manage to effectively control and treat my migraine, and am able to get rid of all the stress and depression that used to affect the quality of my life. This home remedy is to keep on learning about migraine and headaches, and to discover new ways to adopt your lifestyle to avoid the pain in a safe and natural way.

My Keys to Preventing Migraine Headaches – Headache Diary

The key to managing migraine headaches is to learn to identify the triggers that cause your migraines and learn how to avoid them. You can also learn how to increase the level or trigger intensity that is required to cause your migraines. Most of us lead very busy day to day lives and it's sometime difficult to remember exactly what triggered a migraine, exactly how many migraines we had last month, and how severe they were.

The five keys to a headache diary that you can use to help manage your head aches:

(1) Make sure you record every headache - not just the severe ones.

(2) Record how severe each headache was- learn to categorize the severity but don't get too fancy, maybe just a scale of 1-3. A one = mild; a 2 = moderate and a 3 =severe.

(3) Record how long the headache lasted, in hours, and approximately when the headache began. Was it as soon as you woke up, later in the day, was there a trigger that you can identify.

(4) What did you do to deal with the headache? Was it so severe that you had to stay home, were you able to use relaxation techniques to mange or did it require medication?

(5) What trigger points can you identify? Did you have a particularly stressful day? Did you not sleep well? Were you forced to skip a meal? There may be more than one trigger that you can identify.

A headache diary can be very helpful in identifying your particular trigger patterns. Some of the more common that you may recognize are week-end headaches, headaches that occur at particularly stressful times or headaches that occur when you first wake up each morning.

In summary, the key to preventing migraines is to pay attention to your lifestyle, learn to identify your trigger points, and learn to use techniques that help you to relax both your mind and your body. Once you learn identify the patterns that cause you problems you can take action to deal with whatever the underlying is

Instantly Ease Your Sinus Migraine Pain

The pain from a sinus migraine can make you miserable but there are a couple of really easy tricks you can do to ease your suffering. I've found that my sinus infections can be relieved with two simple methods.

The main trigger for many headaches is dehydration. An easy way to rehydrate without drinking tons of water is to get the water directly in to your face. A doctor told a family member of mine that the military has started issuing saline nasal sprays to its forces. I can't vouch for the accuracy of that, but this family member of mine bought an over the counter nasal spray and used it when she felt a headache coming on. It worked like a charm for her. And it works fast. Apparently your mucous membranes can absorb water almost instantly, bypassing the need to ingest water through drinking.

Snorting water doesn't always cure every headache I have but it definitely does ease the pain of my sinus migraines. Even if I don't have access to nasal spray at all times I can usually find some warm water to, um, snort up my nose. That may not sound so pleasant to you, but its better than having a headache. Also, if you have can take a hot shower to steam open your sinuses and maybe snort some water in the process you will find that your sinus migraine pain may be greatly relieved.

The other trick I use to relieve a sinus migraine is to juice a few specific raw fruits and vegetables. I use an electric juicer (about $30 or $40 from a kitchen store) to juice a half or whole lemon, a two inch chunk of fresh ginger, and an apple or an orange to add some sweetness to the mix. The lemon will break up and drain any mucous in your sinuses and the ginger will make you feel like the rest is being burned out with a blast of spicy freshness. This may not sound too tasty but the benefits are undeniable. The more lemon and ginger you use the better. And that's where the apples or oranges come in. You will definitely want a sweet flavor balance until you get used to it.