The pain from a sinus migraine can make you miserable but there are a couple of really easy tricks you can do to ease your suffering. I've found that my sinus infections can be relieved with two simple methods.
The main trigger for many headaches is dehydration. An easy way to rehydrate without drinking tons of water is to get the water directly in to your face. A doctor told a family member of mine that the military has started issuing saline nasal sprays to its forces. I can't vouch for the accuracy of that, but this family member of mine bought an over the counter nasal spray and used it when she felt a headache coming on. It worked like a charm for her. And it works fast. Apparently your mucous membranes can absorb water almost instantly, bypassing the need to ingest water through drinking.
Snorting water doesn't always cure every headache I have but it definitely does ease the pain of my sinus migraines. Even if I don't have access to nasal spray at all times I can usually find some warm water to, um, snort up my nose. That may not sound so pleasant to you, but its better than having a headache. Also, if you have can take a hot shower to steam open your sinuses and maybe snort some water in the process you will find that your sinus migraine pain may be greatly relieved.
The other trick I use to relieve a sinus migraine is to juice a few specific raw fruits and vegetables. I use an electric juicer (about $30 or $40 from a kitchen store) to juice a half or whole lemon, a two inch chunk of fresh ginger, and an apple or an orange to add some sweetness to the mix. The lemon will break up and drain any mucous in your sinuses and the ginger will make you feel like the rest is being burned out with a blast of spicy freshness. This may not sound too tasty but the benefits are undeniable. The more lemon and ginger you use the better. And that's where the apples or oranges come in. You will definitely want a sweet flavor balance until you get used to it.